Boss Lady 101
I see posts all the time about being a boss and what that means... well today I feel like a giant, like that baddest of the bad when it comes to bossing. See that new car? Wait see two new cars in that picture... well they aren't mine. You see it's not about how big my new warehouse is, or about a book or my new this or that... it's not about what my following is, or how many likes or comments even this post gets. What it's about for me is that today TWO of my employees showed up with new cars, two of my employees are out having their second baby today (their departments still running like clock work!), my dad and my uncle and my husband get to drive around on bobcats and put in my new expanded "chicken mansion", and tomorrow we have an impromptu yoga class in the morning in my yard! .... and it's more and more things like that which make us a boss. If your employees aren't buying new homes, aren't sending kids to college or growing as families then you aren't a boss. It's not what I have ... its what I have allowed them to earn.
<3 #everydaybylogic